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Call for Workshops

INC2011 workshops will provide the participants with opportunities to discuss and explore areas related to the Theory, Development, Applications, Experiences and Evaluation of Interaction Sciences with fellow students, researchers and practitioners. Workshops may concern any topic within the conference scope.

The primary goals of workshops are to:
- develop a common understanding of a certain aspect of science.
- share experiences.
- foster research communities.
- learn from each other.
- identify open problems and explore future directions of research.

Organizers of Workshops should:
- select a topic that interests the workshop members and conference delegates.
- distribute a Call for Papers for the workshop.
- select at least 12 registered papers for the workshop.
- check that the papers are suitable for the conference.
- have these papers reviewed by at least two experts in the field.

* Workshop organizers will be included in the Associate Editors list to be published in the proceedings.
* Workshop organizers will act as chairs of their respective workshops. Respectively they will be noted as Workshop Chairs in the Program agenda and in the conference proceedings.
* Workshop organizers can have their own schedule as long as the camera-ready deadline is met.
* Workshop organizers will participate in the Program Committee of current and future conferences.

¡Ø Please note:
1) Organizers of workshops can decide their own papers submission / notification deadline.
2) Submission: will be announced soon.


Contact information: Conference Manager, Researcher Sunny Hyeong. ()

Workshop Organizer's FAQ

(1) If having problem with submitting workshop proposal:
If you are experiencing any problems with submitting your workshop proposal through the website, please email your proposal directly to () as an alternative method.

(2) Deadline for the Workshop:
Organizers of workshops can decide their own papers submission / notification deadline. However we recommend sticking to the date information of INC2011.

(3) Submission for final accepted papers of the workshop:
To be announced shortly.

(4) Proceedings of the workshop:
Workshops Proceedings will be included in the proceedings of INC 2011 .

(5) Submission method for the workshop:
Papers should be e-maiedl to the workshop organizer.
It is the workshop organizers' responsibility to collect papers, process reviews and make decisions regarding paper acceptance or rejection.
Workshop organizers may have more autonomy by having their own review process separated from the main session.

(6) Paper Review:
Workshop organizers are responsible for establishing their own review process for the papers submitted. We don't need the review documents.

(7) Contact with the authors for accept/reject notification:
It is workshop organizers' responsibility to keep in touch with their authors by means like e-mail, though it may require appropriate attention on both sides. Workshop organizers are recommended to maintain smooth communication with authors and keep those evidenced on file.

(8) Registration Fee:
The amount of registration fee is not determined yet. It will be determined based on situational factors such as number of expected registrants, local sponsors, etc.

(9) Issuing Receipt for Registration Fee:
The amount of registration fee is not determined yet. It will be determined based on situational factors such as number of expected registrants, local sponsors, etc.

(10) How to submit accepted papers to INC 2011
Workshop organizers should list up the accepted papers and e-mail it to ()

(11) Special Benefit for Effective Workshop Organizers:
Registration fee of effective workshop organizers will be waived up to 2 papers or 1 paper and 2-3 night of accommodation expenses will be waived . (Provided, additional charges for extra pages or registration fee from the 3rd paper is on the workshop organizer's responsibility.)

*Effective workshop organizers: those who have at least 12 authors paid registration fees in full. Selection of the effective workshop organizers will be limited to 2 persons by the order of satisfying the above mentioned conditions.