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Authors are requested to submit their papers using the Submission system
The authors will receive the review results in one month.

We would recommend the designated format for ANC: To download the the template file(instructions) click here(DOC).

Submission for Invited paper
(Only for Invited Paper by a Conference/Editor-in-Chief's recommendation)
Submission for General
(General Paper Submission for All Authors)
Submission for Journal Editor
(Only for Jornal Editor's Paper Submission)
Fianl Paper Submission for Special Issues
(Only for the Accepted Papers by the Special Issue Editor)

Please remember duplicated submission is strictly forbidden.

     -    Duplicate submissions (the same paper being submitted to the other AICIT journals and HUMANPUB journals) are strictly forbidden; if detected, these submissions will be unconditionally rejected.

Notices: Please read all publication policies and follow the publication process at the main website before paper submission:

     -    Review Process
     -    Paper Format
     -    Charge for Publication
     -    Copyright Notice
     -    Publication Process




  1. Register in our system.
  2. Find Step1: Paper Submission of Paper Submission and Publication Process Menu.
  3. Click on Step1: Paper Submission. It will navigate you to page with different paper submission types: Special Issues and General Submissions
  4. Select appropriate option.
  5. Fill out appropriate fields on the next page.
  6. Once you sumbit your paper, it will be reviewed in 3-7 weeks.
  7. After the review you may be required to revise your paper.
  8. If your paper is accepted you will need to pay the publication fee.
  9. After paying all the fees you need to submit Final-Camera-Ready version of the paper.
  10. If all the steps accomplished without any problem, your paper will be published in the upcoming issue.




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