Authors are requested to submit their papers using the submission system.
Please visit Paper Submission for more information
The authors will receive the review results by one month.
For accepted papers, the authors will be asked for a payment of USD-300, to cover the part of publication process.
We would recommend the designated format for ANC: To download the the template file(instructions) click here(DOC)..
Manuscripts submitted to this journal will be deemed as they have not been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Please visit the journal's site for more information. (
Paper Types:
We invite you to submit a letter of 4-6 pages (between 3000-4000 words in length) or a full paper of 8-14 pages (more than 5000 words in length).
Format for Body:
- Papers prepared in pdf or MS-WORD (doc) formats may be submitted electronically to ANC web site. In order to submit the paper, you have to be registered in our web site.
- Type your main text in 11-point Times New Roman, single-spaced with 13-point interline spacing. Do not use double-spacing. All paragraphs should be indented 1 pica (approximately 1/6- or 0.17-inch or 0.422 cm). Be sure your text is fully justified—that is, flush left and flush right. Please do not place any additional blank lines between paragraphs. Figure and table captions should be 11-point Helvetica boldface (or a similar sans-serif font). Callouts should be 10-point Helvetica, non-boldface. Initially capitalize only the first word of each figure caption and table title. Figures and tables must be numbered separately. For example: “Figure 1. Database contexts”, “Table 1. Input data”. Figure captions are to be below the figures. Table titles are to be centered above the tables.
- For detailed instruction on fromatting we would recommend the designated format for ANC. To download the the template file(instructions) click here(DOC).
- Manuscripts submitted to this journal will be deemed as they have not been published and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- Please visit the journal's site for more information. (
Advances in Digital Media and E-Learning is published four times in a year. The goal of the ANC is to publish peer reviewed original research result-oriented, survey, review, tutorial papers in the fields of
- Algorithms and modeling for tracking and locating network users
- Architectures, protocols, and algorithms to cope with wireless communiation networks
- Broadband access networks
- Complexity analysis of algorithms for network environments
- Cryptography, security and privacy of & wireless networks
- Data management on wireless computing
- Distributed algorithms of networked computing
- Energy saving protocols for communication networks
- Information access in communication networks
- Integration of networks
- Integration ofnetworked systems
- Mobile communication and sensor networks
- Network applications, location-dependent and sensitive applications
- Nomadic computing, applications and services supporting the user
- OS and middleware support for networked computing and communication
- Performance of mobile and communication networks and systems
- Recent trends in networked and wireless applications
- Resource management in wireless and ad-hoc networks
- Routing, and communication primitives in networks
- Satellite communications
- Service creation and management environments for networked systems
- Synchronization and scheduling issues in networks
- Communication and network issues related to OS
- Wireless communication systems
- Ubiquitous Computing
For more details, see the web site: