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We courteously invite you as an editor of JCIS. We will continue to strengthen JCIS as a helpful research source for scholars, researchers and students. Submit your short bio, photo, background (Educations, Researches), and some information to review. We look forward to your constant support and initiative in improving the quality of JCIS. Keep your eyes to JCIS, and we hope that JCIS will grow into a world-best international journal.


Duties of editor in JCIS:


  • Review some papers in your research interests
  • Promotion of JCIS in your colleagues
  • Promotion of JCIS in your area of influence
  • Gather or Recommend high quality papers

The publication charge for the JCIS and the registration fee on the related international conferences (ICCIT, ICIPM) will be discounted to the approved JCIS's Editors (Associate Editors-in-Chief, Editors, Technical Editors). Also, will be asked to review some assigned papers of the affiliated international conferences to the journal (1 time in a year, generally 2-3 papers).
      - ICCIT: http://www.aicit.org/iccit
      - ICIPM: http://www.aicit.org/icipm


Eligibility for becoming the member of International Editors:


   - (Degree and Position requirements) The applicant must hold:

  • a PhD (DOCTOR) DEGREE with good field experiences OR
  • PROFESSOR's POSITION at accredited academic institution

(Good knowledge in some Specific fields) The applicant must have good experiences in his/her specific field of research

Note1) It's not acceptable the applications from those who do not meet our requirements mentioned above.

Note2) If you are an editor of the other HumanPub's journals, please do not apply. We do not accept the application from the HumanPub journals' EXISTING EDITORS.

Note3) If you are an editor of the other AICIT's journals, please do not apply. We do not accept the application from the AICIT journals' EXISTING EDITORS.


If you have interest in becoming the editor of JCIS, complete the form below:

- Please complete all items with your full information, or I'm afraid, it's hard to invite you as an editor
- Insufficient information and/or undependable submission will be cause of refusal


(Please don't include Dr. or Ph.D., etc. to this filed)

E-Mail* (User Login)
  [Check your E-mail]*

Confirm Password*

Birth Year (YYYY: ex.1966)*

 (Please don't incude your country to this field)
(Full name of University, Research Institute, Company)

Tel. Number(Office and Wireless Phone)*

Degree and Position*

We do not accept the applications from those who do not meet our requirements mentioned above.

Research Interests

(Your research interests to Review a paper)
Please complete your full research interests. Some papers will be asked to review with your research interests.
For example:
- IT Management, Software Engineering
- Digital signal/image processing, Multimedia information processing, and neural networks
- Software Eng. and Distributed Computing
- Multi criteria Decision Analysis, intelligent decision support systems
- Accounting Information System
- Computer education/instructional technology
- Semantic Web, Information Extraction
- Civil Engineering, ITS, Intelligent Vehicle System



Full Bio* (Required Items to review a submission)

- Current Affilation and Position, Past Affiliation and Position as an Expert
- Education Background(inculding years for degree)
- International Activities/Relations
- Refreee Experiences for the International Journals and/or Conferences

Publications (Papers: Listed to ISI Tomson(SCI, SCI(E), SSCI)

Publications (International Papers (EI, Scopus cited)): Please don't inlude papers which were published by the conference proceedings

Publications (International Papers: General and etc.)

Publications (International Conference Proceedings(including the IEEE/ACM/LNCS Conference Proceedings)

Special Features/ Comments to Editor-in-Chief

Upload Photo*

(Please, submit JPG file not bigger than 1MB)

Your name will be posted to the Editors' list after the chairs' confirmation.
Please remember, review is the most important collaboration of the editor.
Note) Editor's Duty:
     - If editors don't give reviews in time or
- If editors give an insincere review (just 1-3 lines of comments or a review without any comments), the system will send 1-2 time(s) of reminding mail.
But if you don't give proper reviews even after several times of reminding mails, your editorship will be suspended and not appear in the editor's list.
That means your editorship is no longer valid.



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