1. Peer Reviewed International Conferences
AICIT Conferences are peer reviewed international conferences by more than 400 scientific members from more than 50 countries. Please see the conference websites which you have interest in. You can find the review process and scientific members easily.
2. More than 400 Scientific Members from more than 50 countries
AICIT respects all researchers from scholars in the developing countries to scholars in the developed countries. You can find more than 400 scientific members from more than 50 countries as AICIT is unbiased organization. AICIT always welcome new scientific members from all over the world.

Hosted / Organized by(Co-hosted / Co-organized by)

IEEE PDF files Catalog Number: CFP1113H-ART
IEEE PDF files ISBN: 978-89-88678-50-3
IEEE Print version Catalog Number: CFP1113H-PRT
IEEE Print version ISBN: 978-89-88678-51-0
____1. Important Dates (Main Conference)
____Date of Main Conference: October 24 - 26, 2011
____Paper Submission: by August 22, 2011 (Final Extended!)
____Paper Review: August 10 - 31, 2011
____Review Results(Acceptance/Reject) Notification: August 20 - 31, 2011
____Registration/Final Camera-ready Submission: September 1 - 15, 2011
____2. Important Dates (for Invited Sessions/ Workshops: To Organizers)
____Accepted Papers Notification to Main Conference: by August 31, 2011
____Accepted Papers Upload to Conference System: by September 10, 2011
____Registration/Final Camera-ready Submission: by September 17, 2011
* Submitted papers will be assigned to 3 reviewers (2 Program Committee members and 1 invited reviewer) within 1-4 working days.
* Please be well-acquainted with the review process which can be found at the main menus.
Proceedings/ Special issues:
* NISS2011 is sponsored by the IEEE, the IEEE Macau section and the IEEE Korea Council.
* The proceedings will be published by the IEEE and included to the IEEE eXplore.
(All papers of the AICIT Conferences are being uploaded to the IEEE eXplore)
* Papers published to the proceedings will be included to eminent indexing databases such as EI(Compendex).
* Selected Papers will be recommended to published in eminent international journals being indexed by SCI/EI/SCOPUS.
-Authors of distinguished selected papers will be invited for the special issues of the following international journals being indexed by SCI(E)/EI
- JCIT (EI, SCOPUS) (http://www.aicit.org/jcit)Confirmed!
- JDCTA (EI, SCOPUS) (http://www.aicit.org/jdcta)Confirmed!
- AISS (EI, SCOPUS) (http://www.aicit.org/aiss)Confirmed!
- IJACT (EI, SCOPUS) (http://www.aicit.org/ijact)Confirmed!
- SCI-indexed journals (to be added soon) .
- List of Special Issues (2010)
- Computers & Operations Research (SCI)
- The Journal of Supercomputing (SCI)
- Journal of Communications and Networks (JCN) (SCI)
- IJITDM (International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making) (SCI)
Full & Regular papers will be published in IEEE proceedings.
- Full paper
- - Oral/Poster
- - IEEE, Research papers
- - 6 pages (maximum of 2 more pages are allowed with additional page charges.)
- Regular paper
- - Oral/Poster
- - IEEE, Research papers
- - 4 pages, (maximum of 2 more pages are allowed with additional charges.)
- Short report(paper)
- - Poster: Technical report/Case studies/Industrial Issues
- - 2-3 pages
- - Short papers will be published in AICIT Conference proceedings (not by IEEE).
- * All papers should be prepared using the IEEE proceedings 2-column format.
- * All papers should be written in English.
- * Extra pages will incur additional charges.
- * Detailed information on the registration will be announced by AICIT's system mail with the registration form.
- * All papers are reqeusted to follow the 'Formatting and Layout Instructions'.
- Language: English
- Full/ Regular paper: Oral/ Poster
- Short report(paper): Poster
- - Oral: PPT File / Presentation for 10-15 minutes.
- - Poster: A4-size / 6-8 pages (PPT Style is recommended)
Introduction and Objectives
NISS stands for the 5th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science. It is a premium international conference on all areas related to the Theory, Development, Applications, Experiences, and Evaluation of multidisciplinary and Hybrid/Convergent researches with consumer-oriented and service-oriented technologies. Researchers from all around the world can share their experience and knowledge on this event.
Today, the hot issue of the new trends in Information Science and Service Science are multidisciplinary and Hybrid/Convergent researches with consumer-oriented and service-oriented technologies, and these topics are hot keys of novel and future oriented researches. By organizing this conference we sincerely hope to support further development of these researches and technologies. The fields of Information Science and Service Science are today more exciting and facing many challenges than over. NISS see fundamental advances and unprecedented opportunities for novel and future oriented applications. NISS will continue in its mission of promoting high level research and novel applications through conference.
NISS strives to maintain its status as a genuine high quality conference that gathers scholars and researchers all over the world. We believe that NISS will inspire and motivate scholars to pursue further research for the dynamic development of Information Science and Service Science. Consumer and Service oriented Technologies are multidisciplinary trend and will lead to even more exciting developments. Despite its wide popularity there exist various research issues that need to be addressed in order to further improvement. It covers the science, technology, Management and service, multidisciplinary and Hybrid/Convergent researches with consumer-oriented and service-oriented technologies and applications.
We welcome diverse innovative ideas towards the development of multidisciplinary and Hybrid/Convergent researches with consumer-oriented and service-oriented technologies. We believe that this conference will enable fulfillment of the most outstanding and promising ideas in convergence information technologies. The participant will have a chance to exchange ideas and establish new social ties with other conference participants. We believe that discussions sparked by this conference will enrich the participants with precious knowledge and experiences.
NISS2011 will be held in Macao, China. The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE proceedings. Selected papers will be included as revised monographs in the international journals
Mission and AimWe believe that global nature of our conference, active participation of most prominent speakers and delegates, and innovative ideas will create a stimulating atmosphere for further active developments in multidisciplinary and Hybrid/Convergent researches with consumer-oriented and service-oriented technologies. Our mission is to become a facilitator to enable meeting of distinguished scholars and interested researchers from all around the world in order to exchange knowledge and experiences, present new ideas.
By holding this conference we see our mission in enabling further considerable advancements in the fields of multidisciplinary and Hybrid/Convergent researches with consumer-oriented and service-oriented technologies. Our aim is to gather and share innovative ideas, precious knowledge and unique experiences for their mutual benefit and exploration of possible prospects for development of multidisciplinary and Hybrid/Convergent researches with consumer-oriented and service-oriented technologies.
Scope and Topics: https://humanpub.org/niss/scope.htmlTopics of interest are specified on the scope and topics page. High quality submissions are invited for technical papers describing original unpublished results of theoretical, empirical, conceptual or experimental research. Papers should describe a new contribution to NISS and should support claims of novelty with citations to the relevant literature.
- ISC: Issues on Service Computing
- IIS: Issues on Information Science
- ISE: Issues on Communication, energy-efficiency in Communication/Ubiquitous Computing/WSN/
Mobile Network, Network and Electronics - IMS: Issues on Information Management and Service
- IICS: Issues on Industry and Convergence Science
The purpose of the Research Track is to present and discuss the latest, best, most profound, and most important research results in the research field of Multidisciplinary and Hybrid/Convergent researches with consumer oriented and service oriented technologies.
Track 2: Technical Experiences
The purpose of the Technical Experience Track is to establish a meaningful forum between practitioners and researchers with useful solutions in various organizational environments, diverse systems or different cultures. The Technical Experience Track includes all kind of practical applications which are principles, projects, missions, techniques, tools, methods, processes, and etc. We invite original, unpublished submissions in two categories:
- Case studies
- Experience reports